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June/July '03 Articles:
Mean Greenies
Editorial: Are You An Environmentalist?
Petty Acts of 'Treason'
Over-Priced Musings
The Muddlemarch: 1
The Muddlemarch: 2
(music reviews)

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June - July '03 Issue: Our "Print Only" Contents

Consumer Culture Is No Accident
by Dr. David Suzuki
Not long ago, frugality was a virtue, but today two-thirds of our economy is built on consumption. This didn't happen by accident.

Introspective Media Not In The Cards
by Norman Solomon
The American news media does a great job of telling us how wonderful U.S. leaders are as they direct Uncle Sam's stride across the planet.

New Hope in Chavez's Venezuela
by Kari Lydersen
President Hugo Chavez has been back in power for over a year now since being deposed briefly in an abortive coup. Once again hope abounds among Venezuela's poor and downtrodden.

Faith vs. Reason: George Bush vs. Our Founding Fathers
by Jeff Nall
If you asked Bush if he believes in the separation of Church and State, he is likely to say yes. However, the fact remains that his idea of separation between the two institutions lies in stark contrast with that of many of the Founding Fathers.

If We Don't Outlaw The 2003 Audi Cabriolet, Your Child Will Buy An Orange
by Adam Finley
If it's true that marijuana is a gateway drug–and it must be because my first experience led me to try various other forms of marijuana–what's the gateway that leads to it?

Comic: The K Chronicles
by Keith Knight

These Days, Defense CEOs Are Getting More Bucks For The Bang
by Chris Hartman
At a time when most American industries are struggling and CEO pay overall is actually stagnating, the CEOs in the defense industry are flourishing.

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Make a difference: Participate in a protest, attend a rally or a conference.

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