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Issue No. 59: Winter '06

things within

This issue hit the streets January 6. This is some of it. Enjoy.
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From the Editor
by Craig Mazer
Editorial: IMPACT's Survival and You–"IMPACT is the kind of magazine that survives because you believe in it–not just those who work on it like myself, the writers, artists, distributors, etc., but also those who have the means to financially support it, whether through donations or advertising."

The Religious Right: Corrupting the Cross and the Constitution
by Jeff Nall
The Religious Right has convinced many Christians that the separation of church and state is an attack on their faith, but Christians may have the most to lose if the wall crumbles. While they argue the separation of church and state is an attack on Christianity, one of the earliest proponents of the separation was a Christian who anticipated and influenced our founding fathers.

In Stores Now: Dog and Cat Fur From China
by Heather Moore
The tag won't say tabby cat or Labrador Retriever, but some of the fur coats and fur-trimmed gloves, hats, and boots sold in popular retail stores in America may be made from dogs and cats killed in China in some of the most grisly ways imaginable.

Comic Relief: The Muddlemarch
by Neal Skorpen
Choose: "The Hammer" Gets Hammered | Wanted: An Opposition Party

Senator James Inhofe: Top Terrorist Threat to Planet Earth
by Dr. Steven Best
Meet Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.)–arch-right-winger, evangelical fundamentalist, whore for Big Energy companies, Commander in Bush's War on Dissent, and Top Terrorist Threat to Planet Earth. Know Thy Enemy.

Don't Cut Your Kids Any Slack, Just Cut Them
by Adam Finley
Since some kids who are raised with physical punishment grow up to be sociopathic, the pendulum often swings the other way and parents do away with corporal punishment all together. These parents miss the point entirely.

by various writers
A little bit on a whole heck of a hell of a lot of CDs.

Advertiser Index: The businesses that make this magazine possible; includes lots of cool music-label links.

This issue's quotes:

"The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant, 'What good is it?' If the land mechanism as a whole is good, then every part is good, whether we understand it or not."

author and conservationist Aldo Leopold

"I see America spreading disaster. I see America as a black curse upon the world."
author Henry Miller