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things withinThis issue hit the streets June 4. This is some of it. Enjoy. Imprisoning the Mind -- Art Censorship in America by Morris Sullivan Notes from the Cultural Wasteland: by Morris Sullivan MindPower: The N-Word by Patrick Scott Barnes Overpriced Musings: Pain and the Human Race by Don Pflaster Death with Dignity ... or a .22? by Susan Sterling Quickies by various writers Manifest Destiny -- Hidden Behind a Cloak of Humanitarianism by K. Sheeram The Cost of a Full Stomach The National Action Desk Information about issues of national importance and steps you can take to make your voice heard on them. Updated as necessary. Exclusively in the on-line edition of IMPACT Press. What you're missing by not picking up a copy of the June/July issue. Advertiser Index: The businesses that make this magazine possible; includes lots of cool record-label and activist links. This issue's quotes: "War is a ritual, a deadly ritual, not the result of aggressive self-assertion, but of self-transcending identification. Without loyalty to tribe, church, flag or ideal, there would be no wars." |