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Issue No. 27: June-July '00

things within

This issue hit the streets June 3. This is some of it. Enjoy.
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Truth on Trial: Why Capital Punishment Deserves to Die by Morris Sullivan
As a society, we have arbitrarily decided that to cause death to a condemned man by impaling him on a stake is "cruel and unusual punishment." Yet we have convinced ourselves that having a doctor murder him by injecting him with toxic substances is neither cruel nor unusual.

Notes from the Cultural Wasteland: by Morris Sullivan
Fame vs. Greatness--which should we be striving for?

MindPower: The Good Negro by Patrick Scott Barnes
African-Americans who support conservatives are like Jews who support Nazis.

A New Kind of Revolution by Darren Kramer
There's a sense of urgency in America that has been swelling and managed to manifest itself in boiling points such as the LA riots and the WTO protests.

Quickies by various writers
A little bit on a whole heck of a hell of a lot of CDs.

Does Social Security Belong in Reform School? by Craig Butler
There are three options for reforming Social Security. But does the system need reforming -- or is the government due for reform?

The Unholy Alliance of Imperialism and the K(C?)L(I?)A by David Mericle
The imperialist armies and intelligence agencies, including those of the U.S., trained, armed, and even commanded the KLA--a gang of fascist terrorists responsible for killing thousands in Kosovo.

What you're missing by not picking up your own copy of the June-July issue.

This issue's quotes:

"Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner."

--Gen. Omar Bradley

"Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat you any more."
--Franz Kafka, while admiring fish in an aquarium