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Issue No. 22: August/September1999

things within

This issue hit the streets August 6. This is some of it. Enjoy.
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Prisoners of Conscience -- Imprisoned Fighters for Justice
by Morris Sullivan and Patrick Scott Barnes

When we think of political prisoners we think of Chinese and Cuban prisons. But America's jails are gradually becoming the home of many outspoken socio/political figures who have ended up imprisoned, mostly due to the U.S. government's fear of them.

Notes from the Cultural Wasteland: by Morris Sullivan
The end of the world has been on the author's mind a lot lately.

MindPower: The Backroom Words by Patrick Scott Barnes
Freedom of speech is essential when it comes to open-mic poetry, but had to find.

Your World: by Sean Helton
Beware of cursing while canoeing, parental responsibility, and stupid legislators -- all observed in this installment.

Overpriced Musings: A New Pair of Shoes for the Slippery Slope of Christianity
by Don Pflaster
Things change with time but Christianity has tried to stick to its traditions, no matter how out-dated they may be.

Quickies by various writers
A little bit on a whole heck of a hell of a lot of CDs.

America's Ritual Genocide of Iraq by K. Sheeram
JFK Jr.'s death has distracted attention from America's continued assault on Iraq. The U.S. uses military attacks and sanctions to oppress an already troubled society.

The National Action Desk Information about issues of national importance and steps you can take to make your voice heard on them. Updated as necessary. Exclusively in the on-line edition of IMPACT Press.

What you're missing by not picking up the August/September issue.

This issue's quotes:

"Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men."

--Ayn Rand

"And the day will come, when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as His Father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva, in the brain of Jupiter."
--Thomas Jefferson