Issue No. 40: August-September '02
things within
This issue hit the streets August 9. This is some of it. Enjoy. Comments | What you're missing | Advertiser Index | Order a print copy
The Growing Revolt Against Globalization by David Michael Smith From the streets of Seattle to the farmlands of Thailand, the movement against globalization is taking root, speaking out and getting attention. Activists of all kinds are joining together to oppose the transnational corporations, the G8 leaders, and the international financial institutions that continue to exercise worldwide exploitation and domination.
From the Editor: by Craig Mazer It's Time to Send a Tough Message to Animal Abusers --"Animal abusers have been shown time and time again to be repeat offenders. Our judicial system needs to recognize this and punish offenders accordingly ... A strong message must be sent to any person who feels they can dominate, abuse or torture another creature."
Comic Relief: The Muddlemarch by Neal Skorpen
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One Nation, Indivisible by Morris Sullivan Constitutionality Aside, "One nation, indivisible" is more poetic -- and less divisive.
Legally Blind: The Case for Granting Animals Legal Rights by Dr. Steven Best The arbitrary viewpoints that reduced human beings to slaves and property have been overturned and it's that same logic that ought to emancipate nonhuman slaves.
7,254 Ways To Help You Understand WorldCom Chairman John W. Sidgmore by Adam Finley Take a journey back in time as we watch a young John Sidgmore growing up. This look into the human side of Sidgmore might help you empathize with his situation.
Comic Relief: The K Chronicles by Keith Knight "Big Dick Cheney's 9/11 Card"
Bastion of Ecological Literacy Under Siege: Our Public Schools by John F. Borowski With tight budgets and crowded classrooms, teachers who don't have a grasp of the complexity of ecological issues may, in turn, be aiding and abetting corporate propaganda campaigns.
Quickies by various writers A little bit on a whole heck of a hell of a lot of CDs.
Advertiser Index: The businesses that make this magazine possible; includes lots of cool music-label links.
This issue's quotes:
"I never had much confidence in the attention span of elected officials for any kind of deep thinking about important issues. When they pop off after what I call a bumper strip headline, they almost always give a superficial response."
--9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Alfred Goodwin on the response to his Pledge of Allegiance ruling
"You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity." --Ralph Waldo Emerson