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Issue No. 44: April-May '03

things within

This issue hit the streets April 4. This is some of it. Enjoy.
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Las Desaparecidas: Casualties of the Global Economy in Ciudad Juarez
by Kari Lydersen
During the past 10 years, over 300 women have been murdered in Juarez, Mexico, just across the border from El Paso. Most of them worked at the maquiladoras (factories) along the border; many of them were found mutilated and raped, left in shallow graves. Locals blame the police along with jealous husbands, sex offenders, drug traffickers and, on a larger scale, the global economy that gave birth to the maquiladoras.

From the Editor: by Craig Mazer
Toni Smith: A Profile in Courage --The college basketball player's anti-war stance "has been misinterpreted and misrepresented by the media, particularly in the sports world."

Notes From the Cultural Wasteland by Morris Sullivan
Sometimes, you just don't want to be in the position to say, "l told you so." This is one of those times.

Over-Priced Musings: by Don Pflaster
Worse Things -- Is this war a signal that America is becoming an empire, preparing to conquer and impose our form of government on the globe?

The Fresno Frenzy: Invasion of the Animal and Earth Liberation Fronts
by Dr. Steven Best
One university had the courage to put on a "Revolutionary Environmentalism" conference despite vocal protests. Dr. Steven Best, one of the participants, gives us an inside look.

Comic Relief: The Muddlemarch by Neal Skorpen
Choose: Givin' the Gift ... | War: Good for the Economy?

The U.S. Army: A Class Action Suit Waiting to Happen
by Jeff Nall
Should the U.S. Army issue a disclaimer to potential recruits?: "WARNING: Joining the U.S. Army has been shown to cause disfigurement, serious injury and even death."

Quickies by various writers
A little bit on a whole heck of a hell of a lot of CDs.

Advertiser Index: The businesses that make this magazine possible; includes lots of cool music-label links.

This issue's quotes:

"These are the times for real choices and not false ones. We are at the moment when our lives must be placed on the line if our nation is to survive its own folly. Every man of humane convictions must decide on the protest that best suits his convictions, but we must all protest."

--Martin Luther King, Jr., April 4, 1967

"[A]s long as human beings will go on shedding the blood of animals, there will never be any peace. There is only one little step from killing animals to creating gas chambers a la Hitler and concentration camps a la Stalin....There will be no justice as long as man will stand with a knife or with a gun and destroy those who are weaker than he is."
--Isaac Beshevis Singer, Yiddish writer and vegetarian